Something about us and our project
Colegio Público La Canal - Luanco
    Since internet came to La Canal, we've always tried to apply it in our work, because the w.w.w. has a lot of things very useful for education.
    Internet can be a wonderful tool for teachers and pupils in many aspects. There are some of them:     We are going to participate in Netd@ys 98 with a website about  environmental troubles.
    Save our planet is a forum, a point of meeting for teachers and students wich are preocupated by ecology and environment.
    The earth is serious damaged. Polution, acid rain, deforestation, pesticides and incontroled use of marine resources are the main injuries.
    La Canal wants to contribute to look for imaginative solutions to revive our planet.
    Save our planet includes a press board with some news about ecology and environment. People can send us news from their countries about this area.
    A colective tale can be witten by everybody. The title is A different planet. Write you text and send it to us:
    We are sure that there is something to report in your country. tell it to us for I report ....
    There's also a chat in our website, to change experiences, news and solutions.
    Young artists can send us his designs for postcards, T-shirts or posters. We'll show them in our page.
    You can share your investigations, projects and works about the environment to include them in What we investigate.
    There's a place for Letters to politicians. Perhaps they do something.
    A lot of links are also available. Send us your favourite links an URLs.
    Thank you for your visit. Ventilate your ideas in this wonderful melting pot called internet.
    Ah, your opinion is very important for us. at