The Incas: 
sons of the god-sun

The Inca Empire. The biggest that exit when the Europeans got to the new world. A religious believed of the sun. Its organization and discipline at war make the invincible until the emperor when to war brother against brother. 

Inca wall


    The Incas son of god-sun, were a civilization that dominated a vast extension of land from the actual Ecuador to central Chile. The Incas did not start the empire from scratch that is they took what other had started around 1000 A.D. However, they did extend their dominions from the capital Cuzco. The Incas were skilful engineers and architectures, but they were mostly farmers and craft makers. The Incas religious was not a cruel at that from the Aztec thought they did sacrifices. Society was divided in different level and movement was not allowed. 

    Their rulers at first was elected amount the leading of the tribe. With time their conquests were very extent and consequently the rulers became more absolute and untouchables by the people. They started to use inheritance as the way to achieve the power. The Inca emperor was the owner of the land and the things that live on it. The eldest son of the Inca was the one that will become the new emperor after his death. 

    One of the things that still impress everyone is the architecture of many of the building made by the Incas. They were so well done that they resist earthquakes. The capital Cuzco, was make of stone with tall wall fortification and around 200,000 people lived there when the conquest got to the city. In addition, to this building the constructed bridges and road that were all over their emperor. 

    Farming was the way of life for most of the people. The principal crops were maize (corn), potatoes, peanuts, beans, squash, melons, manioc, quinoa, peppers, and tomatoes, also; cotton, coca, and various fruits were cultivated. They domesticated the llama from which the got wool and meat. The llama was used to carry goods, since they did not have horses. The alpaca, guinea pig and the deer were the other animals that the Incas used for meat. 

    However, farming was not the only work that the Incas performed. The Incas had good textile tool that the used to make the clothes which the got from cotton, alpaca hair, and the fleece of the llama and vicuna. They have utensils that were used in the kitchen. Also, figures for religious purpose were made, and jewelry set with precious stones for the beauty of women. Make weapons for the war was another important occupation in the Inca land. 

    The main god for the Incas was the god-sun. Human sacrifices occur seldom, perhaps when earthquakes of in time of bad crop. The other main god for the Incas was Viracocha, the god that create the earth, seas. In the temples for the god-sun there were houses were "chosen women" live. These women took care of the temple and the gardens around them. However, it is not very clear what was the main function of these women. Thought, they marry the upper class of the society. As a religious state, the priests enjoy of big power and one third of the crops were for them.

    Maybe one of the most amazing things about the Inca empire was it organization. At the head of the emperor has the Inca, son of the god-sun. Under him there were four councils, who each of them ruled a broad section of the empire. After them were officials who governed 40,000 families. Below them were other official that governed 10,000 and so on until the official that governed 10 families. These official who governed ten and fifty families were elected from the people, the rest were member of novelty. The Incas had warehouses were part of the crop was store to ensure food for everybody in case of earthquakes or natural disasters. There were posts houses from were messages were derived from one to another until Cuzco the capital of state. 

    Mobility in the Inca society between classes was null or very little. Even the movement from place to place was subject to the authority of the Inca. If a new colony needed it to be established, a group of families was sent there. Only novels and officer of the state were allowed to move freely. Crime was severely punished and criminal against the state were sent to death. Although the Incas did not have a written language, schools were established in the capital and in the main cities of the empire. The schools however, were only for the upper ruling class. There the learn science administration, law, religion, accounting, and language.

    The Inca Empire did not have animal that could have been domesticated easily nor they have cereals like rice, or wheat that could have feed the people happily. They did not have invention like the wheel or the arch. However, a good organization kept them in power of a big empire. Those who were conquest by the Incas were force to pay taxes in the form of food and good and sometimes in human lives for the gods. 

Rippy, Fred. Latin America A modern history. University of Michigan, 1968